Embodied Simplicity

A Space for Meditation, Movement and Dance: Embodying Simplicity
Philip is offering a clear, simple space where participants can cultivate and practice waking up the integrity of the body to move with presence, coordination and grace.
It will be a space to work mindfully with our senses, our bodies and specifically our breath to experience peace, joy and creativity and realise our Buddha Nature.
There will also be support to develop a personal movement practice, if required.
Philip has trained for 10 years in Vipassana Meditation and 24 years in Vajrayana Practices. He has worked with Sandra Reeve (18 years in Mindful Movement) and Suprapto Suryodharmo (11 years in Amerta Movement). Currently he is in his second year of Soul Motion Community Dance training.
Class time: Monday 8.00am - 9.15am
Cost: £10 (£5 concession)
Contact Philip on: 07753 604739
Philip is offering a clear, simple space where participants can cultivate and practice waking up the integrity of the body to move with presence, coordination and grace.
It will be a space to work mindfully with our senses, our bodies and specifically our breath to experience peace, joy and creativity and realise our Buddha Nature.
There will also be support to develop a personal movement practice, if required.
Philip has trained for 10 years in Vipassana Meditation and 24 years in Vajrayana Practices. He has worked with Sandra Reeve (18 years in Mindful Movement) and Suprapto Suryodharmo (11 years in Amerta Movement). Currently he is in his second year of Soul Motion Community Dance training.
Class time: Monday 8.00am - 9.15am
Cost: £10 (£5 concession)
Contact Philip on: 07753 604739