Harmony Singing | Ian Hague
There’s been an informal weekly singing group in the Angel Hall since the beginning of 2008, and it continues (*almost) every Thursday evening. About a dozen meet to sing in three or four part harmony from the Natural Voce repertoire – world music, rounds, arrangements of classic popular songs, songs by natural voice composers, XR chants – all taught by ear with no sheet music in sight! Ian Hague, who’s been around since the start, leads the session, although the choice of songs on any evening involves input from the group and picks up on the energy in the room.
Unlike more formal choirs, with no pressure to prepare for performances there’s no need to commit to turn up every week. There are some regulars, others who we see as frequently or infrequently as they can manage, and occasionally people visiting Totnes who drop in just for one evening and go on their way. All are equally and warmly welcome and the regulars are a great help to newcomers picking up the parts. |
Session time: Thursdays* 7.30-9.00pm
Cost: Donation – suggested £6 but contribute what you can
Contact Ian on: [email protected] for further information – or just turn up!
*Not Thursday between Christmas and New Year, nor Thursdays in August
Cost: Donation – suggested £6 but contribute what you can
Contact Ian on: [email protected] for further information – or just turn up!
*Not Thursday between Christmas and New Year, nor Thursdays in August